I’m buying @abookapart books for any student, unemployed professional or any others who need them, to help up the @RAICESTEXAS contribution.
I’m buying @abookapart books for any student, unemployed professional or any others who need them, to help up the @RAICESTEXAS contribution.
@round Nope… tweets.kingkool68.com/
We’re excited to announce more sessions from @eulken @sabramedia and @ChrisVanPatten and lightning talks from @bearlyartic @jakemgold @kingkool68 @bestwrit @mauteri @angiemeeker and @susanprice. Read more about it here and get your tickets today: 2018-chicago.publishers.wordcamp…
I’m probably not supposed to do this, but … dnvr.it/2K80cwf
@dpan I switched to Kelvin for a bit… twitter.com/kingkool68/status/10…
@ClarkMercer I just discovered github.com/sindresorhus/refined-…
@metalpaysme Listened to a podcast episode about it in 2011 twit.tv/shows/security-now/episo…
This. Opera Mini doesn’t support icon fonts. There are myriads of reasons why not to use icon fonts (cloudfour.com/thinks/seriously-d…, css-tricks.com/icon-fonts-vs-svg…). Now, Webkit on WatchOS doesn’t support them either.
If you haven’t switched to SVG yet, now’s the time. twitter.com/patrick_h_lauke/stat…
@livlab My kid also enjoys singing Moana at the top of her lungs zadieheimlich.com/instagram/can-…
Zadie’s 1st dentist visit. She sat in the same room I did when I was her age.
#ZadieAlyssa #dentist #cleanteeth #hygenist instagram.com/p/BkAxpPkHcOM/
Yea but they’re still funny as hell! twitter.com/JanelleCShane/status…
Pro Tip: If you want your site screaming fast get rid of any embeds on the site.
Comparing time to first paint and DOM Ready times of billypenn.com/ vs denverite.com/
firstPaintTime: 0.92s vs 0.45s
domReadyTime 1.2s vs 0.23s
Added a shmancy new can of paint to denverite.com/ tonight.
Props @livlab @brianboyer @montchr
EasyEngine version 4, first beta is here. We need your help in testing!
How to build your own flamethrower.
1) Buy this
2) Put a bad ass plastic case around it twitter.com/DeepOmega/status/100…
Spider Girl.
#ZadieAlyssa #climbing #fence instagram.com/p/Bj1Gnf7nbDX/
Sip. Sip. With friends.
#VeraAddison instagram.com/p/Bj0gzcCH5HV/
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.