Grover Montano pi.pe/-1dth5l
Grover Montano pi.pe/-1dth5l
@ChrisVanPatten template hierarchy codex page is your friend. codex.wordpress.org/Template_Hie…
Plugin Directory Refreshed: wordpress.org/news/2012/05/plugi…
Sunset Along 495 In Northern Virginia Last Night pi.pe/-4nd2hd
@brownpau See SASS vs. LESS css-tricks.com/sass-vs-less/ I still don’t preprocess.
“those who don’t design for readers might soon not be designing for anyone.” – @zeldman ping.fm/Apuew
@davidj False! This is the greatest Slinky you’ve ever seen. Over and over and over… youtube.com/watch?v=Yy7CwYB7Ds0
Cool Robot Socks pi.pe/-vnu8fd
It’s amazing that the first photograph of an American city was taken in 1948. ping.fm/xj9C4
@ChrisVanPatten Tada! Use current_user_can() and pass the role as an argument codex.wordpress.org/Function_Ref…
We totally know what we’re doing. “@aenean_: producing instagr.am/p/KsxJieiLaF/”
That’s it. The search is over. I have found the best dog costume of all time. yfrog.com/odx8timj
@davidj I use nvAlt as a makeshift to-do list/ notes app russellheimlich.com/blog/taking-…
What? The Google Image charting API is deprecated! I love that API. It inspired me to build dummyimage.com ping.fm/HsbaS
@managewp Nice round up! Glad you like dummyimage.com
@jakemgold Ta da! That’s kind of all we do! See features.journalism.org/campaign… pewhispanic.org/states/ people-press.org/typology/quiz/
@ryanswedal dummyimage.com isn’t shut down. I was just moving it to a beefier server to handle the load.
Make #WordPress Accessibility make.wordpress.org/accessibility… #a11y #GAAD
The Profound Jaime Moore pi.pe/-jmmx5u
Rooftop deck. (@ Lauriol Plaza Restaurant w/ 3 others) [pic]: 4sq.com/KW4z3n
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.