Playing with Tweeter (Twitter + Apollo) tweet-r.com/
Playing with Tweeter (Twitter + Apollo) tweet-r.com/
Man, I gotta restart my computer. Tweetr is awesome though.
off to watch Eli White talk about Digg and scraf some Pizza in Columbia!
Doing some visual design of Timeulate.com. I can’t wait to launch this.
I can’t wait until April 1st is gone so I can trust what I read on the web again.
It’s 3:00am and i’m watching drunk people act silly. I got a lot done for Timeulate.com (nothing live yet though)
Man, weekends just aren’t long enough.
Finally working on Timeulate.com and saw Blades of Glory last night. the Ending was pretty sweet.
The Best Graduate Schools of 2008 is live tinyurl.com/ckk6s
I’m going to go see Blades of Glory tonight.
“I don’t like this graphic spinning behind the text; you can’t read the content. What if we make it more alpha.” tofslie.com/clientqu
Every web designer should read this -> tofslie.com/clientquotes.htm
Apparently the 2008 “Best Grad School” data was slipped out for 30 minutes yesterday. No fears, it will launch on Friday. I hate it.
Eyeing the Adobe CS3 Master Collection… Nah, I uess I can wait a month for the torrent.
If DVGuru was still around we would be covering the CS3 launch like mad!
@ChrisVanPatten I doubt we will see a DVGuru resurrection. I don’t have enough time anymore thanks to my day job. Keep it up a your site.
@dextr0us Dude! What is up with the lack of TCD? I’m looking for your take on CS3 suite.
Oh Deer -> tinyurl.com/3ytma3
Scott Adams has the funniest blog on the Internet.
Heading back up to Columbia, MD for cake and chicken as it is my Dad’s Birthday!
WordPress developer at @CoderPad. Formerly of @nclud @spiritedmediaco, @pewresearch, @usnews. I made dummyimage.com and married @naudebynature.